The Passing of an Age
Stephen Cox, R.I.P.
Reagan Redux
Imagine — a good film about the Gipper.
What Have They Done to the Rain?
If you’re slick with words, you too can be a climate scientist.
Wittily Conflicted
Bill Maher’s hits and misses.
Stephen Cox, R.I.P.
Imagine — a good film about the Gipper.
If you’re slick with words, you too can be a climate scientist.
Bill Maher’s hits and misses.
I’m writing this review with my one good eye, having undergone a cornea transplant and cataract removal just two weeks ago, because this movie is that important. Critics have given Reagan, the new biopic starring Dennis Quaid in the title role
A new year is beginning — a good time to get rid of things we don’t need, including “friends” who are actually just enablers of our addictions, weaknesses, and stupidities. This is hard; we may not be able to live without our human enablers
Democracy in action, from the intrepid reporters at KDKA-2, CBS (Pittsburgh): In Westmoreland County earlier this month, 39 election races ended up tied. The county had to draw lots, using bingo balls to decide the winners. The bingo balls
No, there has not been anything like this in American history. In 2020, the tiny leadership group of one of the two great political parties …