Liberty Magazine – November 1995

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The Randy Weaver Show, R.W. Bradford; A Warm Day in Peace Park, Michael Oakes; A Week in Bosnia and Points West, Bryan Alexander; The Money Laundromat, J. Orlin Grabbe; Obscenity at the National Endowment for the Arts, Richard Kostelanetz; High Noon for the Feds? David J. Owsiany; Economical Cogitations, Daniel Klein; Undercover Economist, Matt Asher; When Will It All End?, David Ramsay Steele; I Left My Heart in Tenochtitlan, Stephen Cox; The Libertarian Iconoclast, Max Schulz; Cosmetic Surgery, Mark Rembert; How the Ether Was Won, Jesse Walker; Triumph of the Image, Richard Kostelanetz