A Land Far, Far Away
Like countless other Americans, I watched the so-called “epic” History Channel docudrama, “America, The Story of Us.” I suspect that, like me, other viewers of …
Like countless other Americans, I watched the so-called “epic” History Channel docudrama, “America, The Story of Us.” I suspect that, like me, other viewers of …
As we approach the sesquicentennial of the American Civil War, and we find ourselves knee-deep in fresh military adventures, Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, his spiritual …
Like every other person who believes in liberty, I am outraged by the continuing war that the Bush administration is waging against our civil liberties …
I’ve reflected before on what a sleazebag former Sen. John Edwards was and is. But his latest tabloid exploits (or, more precisely, the latest tabloid …
Extremely important in classical liberal philosophy are the distinctions between negative and positive rights, and between rights and social goods. A negative right to X …
I don’t understand the commotion over oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico when a drilling operation went sour. Oil has always oozed out of …
I have very few vivid memories of early childhood. The ones I have come back to me in flash- es, like a movie clip. One …
On April 28, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in the case of Doe v. Reed. Friends of the court on one side included …
The big political news of May 6 was the British people’s vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his Labour Party. The …
A core principle of the nanny state is that people do not know their best interests and must be treated like children, with the state …