Glorious Leader

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Consider this question from The New York Times/CBS poll of 1,580 adults, April 5–12, with a 3% margin of error:

“Are Obama’s policies moving the country toward socialism?”

This poll was mentioned in the Arizona Republic on April 18. The thrust of the article was that “96% of ‘Tea Party’ sympathizers” answered affirmatively to that question.

I must say, I was more struck by the fact that 52% of all respondents agreed that Obama’s policies are moving the country toward socialism.

Think about that. Can you imagine a poll in the 1930s that said over half of Americans believed FDR’s policies were moving the country toward socialism? Can you imagine a poll in the 1960s that said over half of Americans believed LBJ’s policies were moving the country toward socialism?

Something is going on here. This is not just politics as usual.

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