Liberty Magazine – November 1988

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The Search for We the Living, R.W. Bradford; Eternity in 2 Hours and 50 Minutes, Stephen Cox; Taking Over the Roads, John Semmens; Motives and Values: Theories That Make Sense, Allan Levite; Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s Argumentation Ethics: Breakthrough or Buncombe?, David Friedman, Murray Rothbard, Leland Yeager, David Gordon, Ethan Waters, David Steele, Mitchell Jones, Timothy Virkkala, Douglas Rasmussen, Tibor Machen, and Hans-Hermann Hoppe; Private Property: Hope for the Environment, Jane S. Shaw; Perestroika and Economic Liberty, James S. Robbins; Cooperation and Envy, John Dentinger; Canadian Political Culture, Walter Block; Nobody’s America, William P. Moulton; Dirty Harry, Mike Holmes