Liberty Magazine – July 1996

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Reign of Terror, David Kopel and Joseph Olson; Sexual Abuse in Wenatchee, Kathryn Lyon; Work Will Make You Free?, Jesse Walker; Calamity Ira, David Boaz; Ron Brown, RIP, Nathan Crow; Half a Century at the Battlements, R.W. Bradford and Michael Peters; White Man’s Ghost Dance, Bob Black; Millenarianism Redux, Frank Fox; The Fourth Estate and the Secret State, Ted Galen Carpenter; The Novel Takes on the World, Stephen Cox; We the Revising, R.W. Bradford; Poisonous Environmentalism, John A. Baden and Douglas Noonan; A Youthful Work by a Promising Author, Herbert Spencer; A Very Brady Irony, Matt Asher; The Novel Lives?, Timothy Virkkala