Liberty Magazine – May 1991

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Victory in the Gulf: What It Means; Losing Our Heads in the Gulf, R.W. Bradford; Two Kinds of Patriotism, Robert Higgs; Liberty Triumphs in the Desert, James Robbins; No Victory for Liberty, Sheldon Richman; The Peace Movement: RIP, Stephen Cox; Beer, Chips, and the Gulf War, Matt Kibbe; Give George Bush His Due, Loren Lomasky; Journalists and the Drug War, David Boaz; In the Woods, William Meyer Jr.; The Free Press: Jealous of Its Freedoms, Careless With Ours, Richard Miniter; Something Anarchical in Denmark, Benjamin Best; In Quest of the Elusive Dr. Cepi, Ronald Lipp; Publish and Perish, Lawrence Thompson; Rescind Gorby’s Nobel Prize!, James Robbins; California’s Man-Made Drought, Richard L. Stroup; Economy as Ecology, John Baden; Hope for a Troubled Land, Scott Reid; On the Side of the Angels, Leland Yeager; The Brain as Market, Peter Reidy; The Paleo-Stalinists in America, Richard Kostelanetz