Don’t Write, Don’t Call
A while back, the Kenyon Review warned prospective contributors that it “does not read unsolicited manuscripts during the months of April, May, June, July, August, …
A while back, the Kenyon Review warned prospective contributors that it “does not read unsolicited manuscripts during the months of April, May, June, July, August, …
Recently I tried to discover information about a former colleague, now a full professor at a state university, who had been accused of plagiarism a …
I’ve written pages before that the current inferno in Palestine began when Ariel Sharon marched with too many troops into the Old City of Jerusalem, …
In an interview on C-Span, a New York Times reporter named Jan Hoffman, the principal writer ~f the 200-word obits that continue to appear, noted …
The most heartening thing about Mayor Rudolph Giuliani giving the oath of office to his successor Michael Bloomberg in Times Square on New Year’s Eve …
I guess Mike Bloomberg learned from New Jersey’s junior senator Jon Corzine that an underdog who spend a lot of his own In total, Bloomberg …
Given the evident failure of American intelligence agencies to prevent the kamikaze attacks of Sept. 11, I was surprised that the chiefs of the FBI …
My apartment became famous for a day several years ago, when it appeared at the top of the front page of the New York Times’ …
If you consider the principal effects of their violence, the 19 guys rank as monumental fools: 1) closer cooperation between the two old superpowers, Russia …
On Nov. 12,·two months and one day after terrorist-commandeered commercial airplanes slammed into the World Trade Center, another American Airlines jet crashed into the Belle …