Liberty Magazine – January 1990

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Now the Real Struggle Begins, R.W. Bradford; “Doors,” Stephen Cox; Dreams: Socialist and Libertarian, Sheldon Richman; RIP: The New Soviet Man; No Time for Pessimism, Murray Rothbard; Once and For All?, Stephen Cox; The Greenhouse Effect: Myth or Danger?, Patrick J. Michaels; Ayn Rand and Objectivism, Barbara Branden; How Rockfeller Soaked the Poor: We’re Still Paying Today, Richard Kostelanetz; The Cheesing of America, Lawrence Ludlow; The Case for Paleolibertarianism, Llewelyn Rockwell; Kingdom Come, Murray Rothbard; Choosing Freedom, Charles Rowley and Richard Wagner; In Defense of Elitism, Karl Hess; Ersatz Entrepreneurship, Roger Koopman; Regulating Children’s TV, David Bernstein