Liberty Magazine – January 1991

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“A Pole Can Do It,” R.W. Bradford; The Explicit Social Contract, Robert E. Alexander; Election 1990: How Freedom Fared; The Production of Virtue in a Free Society; From Russia, With Surprise, David Boaz; Marxism, Liberalism, and the State, Ralph Raico; A Hero of Our Time, James Robbins; Abortion and Feticide, Eric Schendel; Lies, Liberalism, and Lip-reading, Loren Lomasky; The Hope In the Schools, Karl Hess; Gordon Gekko, Mike Milken and Me, Douglas Casey; Rothbard’s Libertarianism, Chris M. Sciabarra; A Master of Black Dots and Strange Timbres, Richard Kostelanetz; The Bonfire of the Subsidies, Michael Christian